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- /**
- * Scout - The Amiga System Monitor
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * You must not use this source code to gain profit of any kind!
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * @author Andreas Gelhausen
- * @author Richard Körber <rkoerber@gmx.de>
- */
- #include "system_headers.h"
- #define KEYMAPRESNAME "keymap.resource"
- int libcnt,devcnt,rescnt;
- static APTR LibPool = NULL, DevPool = NULL, ResPool = NULL;
- __asm __saveds LONG liblist_dspfunc(register __a2 char **array, register __a1 struct LibEntry *libentry, register __a0 struct Hook *hook)
- {
- if (libentry) {
- *array++ = libentry->lib_address;
- *array++ = libentry->lib_name;
- *array++ = libentry->lib_pri;
- *array++ = libentry->lib_ver;
- *array++ = libentry->lib_ocnt;
- *array++ = libentry->lib_rcnt;
- *array++ = libentry->lib_type;
- *array = NULL;
- } else {
- *array++ = ESC "bAddress";
- *array++ = ESC "bln_Name";
- *array++ = ESC "bln_Pri";
- *array++ = ESC "bVersion";
- *array++ = ESC "bOpenC";
- *array++ = ESC "bRPC";
- *array++ = ESC "bln_Type";
- *array = NULL;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- struct Hook liblist_dsphook = {
- (ULONG (* )())liblist_dspfunc,
- };
- static struct FSEntry {
- struct FSEntry *fs_Next;
- char fs_FileSystem[16];
- char fs_DOSType[16];
- char fs_Version[16];
- char fs_Creator[64];
- };
- __asm __saveds LONG fsentry_dspfunc(register __a2 char **array, register __a1 struct FSEntry *fsentry, register __a0 struct Hook *hook)
- {
- if (fsentry) {
- *array++ = fsentry->fs_FileSystem;
- *array++ = fsentry->fs_DOSType;
- *array++ = fsentry->fs_Version;
- *array++ = fsentry->fs_Creator;
- *array = NULL;
- } else {
- *array++ = ESC "bFileSystem";
- *array++ = ESC "bfse_DosType";
- *array++ = ESC "bfse_Version";
- *array++ = ESC "bfse_Creator";
- *array = NULL;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- struct Hook fsentry_dsphook = {
- (ULONG (* )())fsentry_dspfunc,
- };
- __asm __saveds LONG fsentry_cmpfunc(register __a1 struct FSEntry *fsentry1, register __a2 struct FSEntry *fsentry2)
- {
- return strcmpi(fsentry1->fs_FileSystem, fsentry2->fs_FileSystem);
- }
- struct Hook fsentry_cmphook = {
- (ULONG (* )())fsentry_cmpfunc,
- };
- static struct NSDCmdEntry {
- struct NSCmdEntry *nce_Next;
- UWORD nce_Number;
- char nce_DecNumber[16];
- char nce_HexNumber[16];
- char nce_CmdName[64];
- };
- __asm __saveds LONG nsdcmdentry_dspfunc(register __a2 char **array, register __a1 struct NSDCmdEntry *nsdcmdentry, register __a0 struct Hook *hook)
- {
- if (nsdcmdentry) {
- *array++ = nsdcmdentry->nce_DecNumber;
- *array++ = nsdcmdentry->nce_HexNumber;
- *array++ = nsdcmdentry->nce_CmdName;
- *array = NULL;
- } else {
- *array++ = ESC "bNumber (dec)";
- *array++ = ESC "bNumber (hex)";
- *array++ = ESC "bName";
- *array = NULL;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- struct Hook nsdcmdentry_dsphook = {
- (ULONG (* )())nsdcmdentry_dspfunc,
- };
- __asm __saveds LONG nsdcmdentry_cmpfunc(register __a1 struct NSDCmdEntry *nsdcmdentry1, register __a2 struct NSDCmdEntry *nsdcmdentry2)
- {
- return nsdcmdentry1->nce_Number - nsdcmdentry2->nce_Number;
- }
- struct Hook nsdcmdentry_cmphook = {
- (ULONG (* )())nsdcmdentry_cmpfunc,
- };
- int TestResource (struct Library *lib) {
- char *name;
- name = lib->lib_Node.ln_Name;
- if ((stricmp (name, FSRNAME)) && (stricmp (name, CARDRESNAME)) && \
- (stricmp (name, KEYMAPRESNAME))) {
- return (TRUE);
- } else {
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- LONG NSDQuery( UBYTE *dev,
- ULONG unit,
- struct NSDeviceQueryResult *nqr )
- {
- struct MsgPort *mp;
- if (mp = CreateMsgPort()) {
- struct IOStdReq *io;
- if (io = CreateIORequest(mp, sizeof(struct IOStdReq) + 128)) {
- if (strcmp(AHINAME, dev) == 0) {
- ((struct AHIRequest *)io)->ahir_Version = 4;
- }
- if (OpenDevice(dev, unit, io, 0) == 0) {
- io->io_Command = NSCMD_DEVICEQUERY;
- io->io_Data = nqr;
- io->io_Length = sizeof(struct NSDeviceQueryResult);
- result = DoIO(io);
- CloseDevice(io);
- }
- DeleteIORequest(io);
- }
- DeleteMsgPort(mp);
- }
- return result;
- }
- UBYTE *NSDTypeToCmdName( ULONG nsdType,
- UWORD cmd )
- {
- UBYTE *result;
- switch (cmd) {
- case CMD_INVALID : result = "CMD_INVALID"; break;
- case CMD_RESET : result = "CMD_RESET"; break;
- case CMD_READ : result = "CMD_READ"; break;
- case CMD_WRITE : result = "CMD_WRITE"; break;
- case CMD_UPDATE : result = "CMD_UPDATE"; break;
- case CMD_CLEAR : result = "CMD_CLEAR"; break;
- case CMD_STOP : result = "CMD_STOP"; break;
- case CMD_START : result = "CMD_START"; break;
- case CMD_FLUSH : result = "CMD_FLUSH"; break;
- default : result = "<unknown>"; break;
- }
- switch (nsdType) {
- switch (cmd) {
- case GPD_READEVENT : result = "GPD_READEVENT"; break;
- case GPD_ASKCTYPE : result = "GPD_ASKCTYPE"; break;
- case GPD_SETCTYPE : result = "GPD_SETCTYPE"; break;
- case GPD_ASKTRIGGER: result = "GPD_ASKTRIGGER"; break;
- case GPD_SETTRIGGER: result = "GPD_SETTRIGGER"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case TR_ADDREQUEST: result = "TR_ADDREQUEST"; break;
- case TR_GETSYSTIME: result = "TR_GETSYSTIME"; break;
- case TR_SETSYSTIME: result = "TR_SETSYSTIME"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case KBD_READEVENT : result = "KBD_READEVENT"; break;
- case KBD_READMATRIX : result = "KBD_READMATRIX"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case IND_ADDHANDLER: result = "IND_ADDHANDLER"; break;
- case IND_REMHANDLER: result = "IND_REMHANDLER"; break;
- case IND_WRITEEVENT: result = "IND_WRITEEVENT"; break;
- case IND_SETTHRESH : result = "IND_SETTHRESH"; break;
- case IND_SETPERIOD : result = "IND_SETPERIOD"; break;
- case IND_SETMPORT : result = "IND_SETMPORT"; break;
- case IND_SETMTYPE : result = "IND_SETMTYPE"; break;
- case IND_SETMTRIG : result = "IND_SETMTRIG"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case TD_MOTOR : result = "TD_MOTOR"; break;
- case TD_SEEK : result = "TD_SEEK"; break;
- case TD_FORMAT : result = "TD_FORMAT"; break;
- case TD_REMOVE : result = "TD_REMOVE"; break;
- case TD_CHANGENUM : result = "TD_CHANGENUM"; break;
- case TD_CHANGESTATE : result = "TD_CHANGESTATE"; break;
- case TD_PROTSTATUS : result = "TD_PROTSTATUS"; break;
- case TD_RAWREAD : result = "TD_RAWREAD"; break;
- case TD_RAWWRITE : result = "TD_RAWWRITE"; break;
- case TD_GETDRIVETYPE : result = "TD_GETDRIVETYPE"; break;
- case TD_GETNUMTRACKS : result = "TD_GETNUMTRACKS"; break;
- case TD_ADDCHANGEINT : result = "TD_ADDCHANGEINT"; break;
- case TD_REMCHANGEINT : result = "TD_REMCHANGEINT"; break;
- case TD_GETGEOMETRY : result = "TD_GETGEOMETRY"; break;
- case TD_EJECT : result = "TD_EJECT"; break;
- case HD_SCSICMD : result = "HD_SCSICMD"; break;
- case ETD_WRITE : result = "ETD_WRITE"; break;
- case ETD_READ : result = "ETD_READ"; break;
- case ETD_MOTOR : result = "ETD_MOTOR"; break;
- case ETD_SEEK : result = "ETD_SEEK"; break;
- case ETD_FORMAT : result = "ETD_FORMAT"; break;
- case ETD_UPDATE : result = "ETD_UPDATE"; break;
- case ETD_CLEAR : result = "ETD_CLEAR"; break;
- case ETD_RAWREAD : result = "ETD_RAWREAD"; break;
- case ETD_RAWWRITE : result = "ETD_RAWWRITE"; break;
- case NSCMD_TD_READ64 : result = "NSCMD_TD_READ64"; break;
- case NSCMD_TD_WRITE64 : result = "NSCMD_TD_WRITE64"; break;
- case NSCMD_TD_SEEK64 : result = "NSCMD_TD_SEEK64"; break;
- case NSCMD_TD_FORMAT64 : result = "NSCMD_TD_FORMAT64"; break;
- case NSCMD_ETD_READ64 : result = "NSCMD_ETD_READ64"; break;
- case NSCMD_ETD_WRITE64 : result = "NSCMD_ETD_WRITE64"; break;
- case NSCMD_ETD_SEEK64 : result = "NSCMD_ETD_SEEK64"; break;
- case NSCMD_ETD_FORMAT64: result = "NSCMD_ETD_FORMAT64"; break;
- case CD_INFO : result = "CD_INFO"; break;
- case CD_CONFIG : result = "CD_CONFIG"; break;
- case CD_TOCMSF : result = "CD_TOCMSF"; break;
- case CD_TOCLSN : result = "CD_TOCLSN"; break;
- case CD_READXL : result = "CD_READXL"; break;
- case CD_PLAYTRACK : result = "CD_PLAYTRACK"; break;
- case CD_PLAYMSF : result = "CD_PLAYMSF"; break;
- case CD_PLAYLSN : result = "CD_PLAYLSN"; break;
- case CD_PAUSE : result = "CD_PAUSE"; break;
- case CD_SEARCH : result = "CD_SEARCH"; break;
- case CD_QCODEMSF : result = "CD_QCODEMSF"; break;
- case CD_QCODELSN : result = "CD_QCODELSN"; break;
- case CD_ATTENUATE : result = "CD_ATTENUATE"; break;
- case CD_ADDFRAMEINT : result = "CD_ADDFRAMEINT"; break;
- case CD_REMFRAMEINT : result = "CD_REMFRAMEINT"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case CD_ASKKEYMAP : result = "CD_ASKKEYMAP"; break;
- case CD_SETKEYMAP : result = "CD_SETKEYMAP"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case S2_DEVICEQUERY : result = "S2_DEVICEQUERY"; break;
- case S2_CONFIGINTERFACE : result = "S2_CONFIGINTERFACE"; break;
- case S2_MULTICAST : result = "S2_MULTICAST"; break;
- case S2_BROADCAST : result = "S2_BROADCAST"; break;
- case S2_TRACKTYPE : result = "S2_TRACKTYPE"; break;
- case S2_UNTRACKTYPE : result = "S2_UNTRACKTYPE"; break;
- case S2_GETTYPESTATS : result = "S2_GETTYPESTATS"; break;
- case S2_GETSPECIALSTATS : result = "S2_GETSPECIALSTATS"; break;
- case S2_GETGLOBALSTATS : result = "S2_GETGLOBALSTATS"; break;
- case S2_ONEVENT : result = "S2_ONEVENT"; break;
- case S2_READORPHAN : result = "S2_READORPHAN"; break;
- case S2_ONLINE : result = "S2_ONLINE"; break;
- case S2_OFFLINE : result = "S2_OFFLINE"; break;
- case 0xc000 : result = "S2_ADDMULTICASTADDRESSES"; break;
- case 0xc001 : result = "S2_DELMULTICASTADDRESSES"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case ADCMD_FREE : result = "ADCMD_FREE"; break;
- case ADCMD_SETPREC : result = "ADCMD_SETPREC"; break;
- case ADCMD_FINISH : result = "ADCMD_FINISH"; break;
- case ADCMD_PERVOL : result = "ADCMD_PERVOL"; break;
- case ADCMD_LOCK : result = "ADCMD_LOCK"; break;
- case ADCMD_WAITCYCLE: result = "ADCMD_WAITCYCLE"; break;
- case ADCMD_ALLOCATE : result = "ADCMD_ALLOCATE"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case CBD_POST : result = "CBD_POST"; break;
- case CBD_CHANGEHOOK : result = "CBD_CHANGEHOOK"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case PRD_RAWWRITE : result = "PRD_RAWWRITE"; break;
- case PRD_PRTCOMMAND : result = "PRD_PRTCOMMAND"; break;
- case PRD_DUMPRPORT : result = "PRD_DUMPRPORT"; break;
- case PRD_QUERY : result = "PRD_QUERY"; break;
- case PRD_RESETPREFS : result = "PRD_RESETPREFS"; break;
- case PRD_LOADPREFS : result = "PRD_LOADPREFS"; break;
- case PRD_USEPREFS : result = "PRD_USEPREFS"; break;
- case PRD_SAVEPREFS : result = "PRD_SAVEPREFS"; break;
- case PRD_READPREFS : result = "PRD_READPREFS"; break;
- case PRD_WRITEPREFS : result = "PRD_WRITEPREFS"; break;
- case PRD_EDITPREFS : result = "PRD_EDITPREFS"; break;
- case PRD_SETERRHOOK : result = "PRD_SETERRHOOK"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case SDCMD_QUERY : result = "SDCMD_QUERY"; break;
- case SDCMD_BREAK : result = "SDCMD_BREAK"; break;
- case SDCMD_SETPARAMS: result = "SDCMD_SETPARAMS"; break;
- case CMD_NONSTD + 7 : result = "SIOCMD_SETCTRLLINES"; break;
- }
- break;
- switch (cmd) {
- case PDCMD_QUERY : result = "PDCMD_QUERY"; break;
- case PDCMD_SETPARAMS: result = "PDCMD_SETPARAMS"; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- return result;
- }
- static struct FctEntry {
- struct FctEntry *fe_next;
- char fe_address[16];
- char fe_offsetdec[8];
- char fe_offsethex[8];
- //*UHEX* char fe_offsetuns[8];
- char fe_name[52];
- };
- __asm __saveds LONG lfctlist_dspfunc(register __a2 char **array, register __a1 struct FctEntry *entry, register __a0 struct Hook *hook)
- {
- if (entry) {
- *array++ = entry->fe_offsetdec;
- *array++ = entry->fe_offsethex;
- //*UHEX* *array++ = entry->fe_offsetuns;
- *array++ = entry->fe_address;
- *array = entry->fe_name;
- } else {
- *array++ = ESC "bOffset";
- *array++ = ESC "bHex";
- //*UHEX* *array++ = ESC "bU-Hex";
- *array++ = ESC "bAddress";
- *array = ESC "bName";
- }
- return(0);
- }
- struct Hook lfctlist_dsphook = {
- (ULONG (* )())lfctlist_dspfunc,
- };
- void GetLDRFctList (struct Library *lib, char mode) {
- struct WinFree *ptr;
- unsigned char *title = "FUNCTIONS: ";
- APTR lfctlist;
- ULONG offset, max;
- struct FctEntry *entry;
- APTR fctadr;
- BOOL getfct = (IdentifyBase!=NULL);
- STRPTR name;
- APTR pool = NULL;
- switch (mode) {
- case 'L': pool = LibPool; break;
- case 'D': pool = DevPool; break;
- case 'R': pool = ResPool; break;
- }
- if (ptr = AllocWinFree()) {
- ptr->wf_Window = (APTR) WindowObject,
- MUIA_HelpNode, "Functions",
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeDetailID('.','L','F','T'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, lfctlist = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, FALSE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject,
- ReadListFrame,
- MUIA_List_Title, TRUE,
- MUIA_List_Format, "DELTA=8 P=\33r, DELTA=8 P=\33r, DELTA=8,",
- //*UHEX* MUIA_List_Format, "DELTA=8 P=\33r, P=\33r, DELTA=8 P=\33r, DELTA=8,",
- MUIA_List_DisplayHook, &lfctlist_dsphook,
- End,
- MUIA_CycleChain, TRUE,
- End,
- End, End;
- if (ptr->wf_Window) {
- ptr->wf_ActiveObject = lfctlist;
- name = lib->lib_Node.ln_Name;
- if( mode!='R' || (
- stricmp(name, FSRNAME)
- && stricmp(name, CARDRESNAME)
- && stricmp(name, KEYMAPRESNAME))) {
- if(!stricmp(name, CIAANAME) || !stricmp(name, CIABNAME))
- name = "cia.resource";
- max = lib->lib_NegSize;
- set(lfctlist,MUIA_List_Quiet,TRUE);
- for(offset=6; offset <= max; offset+=6) {
- if(entry = tbAllocPooled(pool, sizeof(struct FctEntry))) {
- if(*(WORD *)(((UBYTE*)lib) - offset) == 0x4ef9) {
- fctadr = (APTR) *(LONG *)(((UBYTE *)lib) - offset + 2);
- if (points2ram(fctadr)) {
- _sprintf (entry->fe_address, HELL "$%08lx" DUNKEL, fctadr);
- } else {
- _sprintf (entry->fe_address, "$%08lx", fctadr);
- }
- } else {
- strcpy(entry->fe_address, "<no jmp>");
- }
- _sprintf (entry->fe_offsetdec, "-%ld" , offset);
- _sprintf (entry->fe_offsethex, "-%04lx" , offset);
- //*UHEX* _sprintf (entry->fe_offsetuns, "%04X" , 0x10000-offset);
- if(offset<42 && (mode=='D' || (mode=='L' && offset<30))) {
- STRPTR help;
- switch(offset) {
- case 6: help = "Open" ; break;
- case 12: help = "Close" ; break;
- case 18: help = "Expunge"; break;
- case 24: help = "Null" ; break;
- case 30: help = "AbortIO"; break;
- case 36: help = "BeginIO"; break;
- default: help = ""; break;
- }
- strcpy(entry->fe_name,help);
- } else if(getfct) {
- switch(IdFunctionTags(name,offset,IDTAG_FuncNameStr,entry->fe_name,TAG_DONE)) {
- case IDERR_NOFD:
- getfct = FALSE;
- break;
- strcpy(entry->fe_name,"---");
- break;
- }
- }
- InsertBottomEntry (lfctlist, (APTR *) &entry);
- }
- }
- set(lfctlist,MUIA_List_Quiet,FALSE);
- }
- HandleWindowOpen (ptr, title, lib->lib_Node.ln_Name);
- HandleWindowClose (ptr);
- }
- }
- }
- void GetLDRMore (struct Library *lib, char *title, char *helpnode) {
- unsigned char rpct[4];
- struct WinFree *ptr;
- int rpc, i;
- APTR LibMainGroup;
- APTR libmoretext0,libmoretext1,libmoretext2a,libmoretext2b,libmoretext3,libmoretext4;
- APTR LibMoreAdd1,LibMoreGroup1,LibMoreAdd2,LibMoreGroup2;
- APTR FSList, DevMoreAdd1, DevMoreAdd2, DevMoreAdd3, DevMoreText1, NSDCmdList;
- char *drflagstext[] = {"ALLOC0","ALLOC1","ALLOC2",
- TestResource (lib);
- if (ptr = AllocWinFree()) {
- if (! stricmp (lib->lib_Node.ln_Name, FSRNAME)) {
- ptr->wf_Window = (APTR) WindowObject,
- MUIA_HelpNode, helpnode,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeDetailID('.','F','S','Y'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, VGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, MyLabel2 ("Name:"),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("Address:\nPri:"),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("fsr_Creator:"),
- End,
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, MyTextObject3 (FSRNAME),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, libmoretext1 = MyTextObject(),
- Child, MyLabel ("Type:"),
- Child, libmoretext2b = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- Child, libmoretext3 = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, MyHSpace(0),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("fsr_FileSysEntries:"),
- Child, MyHSpace(0),
- End,
- Child, FSList = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, FALSE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject,
- ReadListFrame,
- MUIA_List_Title, TRUE,
- MUIA_List_Format, "DELTA=8 P=\33c, DELTA=8, DELTA=8 P=\33c, DELTA=8",
- MUIA_List_DisplayHook, &fsentry_dsphook,
- MUIA_List_CompareHook, &fsentry_cmphook,
- End,
- MUIA_CycleChain, TRUE,
- End,
- End, End;
- if (ptr->wf_Window) {
- struct FileSysResource *fsr;
- struct FileSysEntry *fse;
- struct FSEntry *entry;
- MySetContents (libmoretext1, ESC "c$%08lx\n%ld", lib, lib->lib_Node.ln_Pri);
- MySetContents (libmoretext2b, ESC "c %s ", GetNodeType (lib->lib_Node.ln_Type));
- strcpy (tmpstr, ((struct FileSysResource *) lib)->fsr_Creator);
- healstring (tmpstr);
- set (libmoretext3, MUIA_Text_Contents, tmpstr);
- HandleWindowOpen (ptr, title, FSRNAME);
- HandleWindowClose (ptr);
- set(FSList,MUIA_List_Quiet, TRUE);
- fsr = (struct FileSysResource *)lib;
- for (fse = (struct FileSysEntry *)fsr->fsr_FileSysEntries.lh_Head; fse->fse_Node.ln_Succ; fse = (struct FileSysEntry *)fse->fse_Node.ln_Succ) {
- if (entry = tbAllocPooled(LibPool, sizeof(struct FSEntry))) {
- strcpy(entry->fs_FileSystem, GetDiskType((LONG *)&fse->fse_DosType));
- _sprintf(entry->fs_DOSType, "$%08lx", fse->fse_DosType);
- _sprintf(entry->fs_Version, "%ld.%ld", fse->fse_Version >> 16, fse->fse_Version & 0xffff);
- strncpy(entry->fs_Creator, nonetest(fse->fse_Node.ln_Name), 63);
- healstring(entry->fs_Creator);
- InsertSortedEntry (FSList, (APTR *) &entry);
- }
- }
- set(FSList,MUIA_List_Quiet, FALSE);
- set(ptr->wf_Window, MUIA_Window_ActiveObject, FSList);
- }
- } else if ((! stricmp (lib->lib_Node.ln_Name, CARDRESNAME)) || \
- (! stricmp (lib->lib_Node.ln_Name, KEYMAPRESNAME))) {
- ptr->wf_Window = (APTR) WindowObject,
- MUIA_HelpNode, helpnode,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeDetailID('.','L','I','B'),
- WindowContents, HGroup,
- Child, VGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, MyLabel2 ("Name:"),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("Address:\nPri:"),
- End,
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, MyTextObject3 (lib->lib_Node.ln_Name),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, libmoretext1 = MyTextObject(),
- Child, MyLabel ("Type:"),
- Child, libmoretext2b = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- End,
- End, End;
- if (ptr->wf_Window) {
- MySetContents (libmoretext1, ESC "c$%08lx\n%ld", lib, lib->lib_Node.ln_Pri);
- MySetContents (libmoretext2b, ESC "c %s ", GetNodeType (lib->lib_Node.ln_Type));
- HandleWindowOpen (ptr, title, lib->lib_Node.ln_Name);
- HandleWindowClose (ptr);
- }
- } else {
- ptr->wf_Window = (APTR) WindowObject,
- MUIA_HelpNode, helpnode,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeDetailID('.','L','I','B'),
- WindowContents, LibMainGroup = VGroup,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, LibMoreGroup1 = VGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, MyLabel2 ("Name:"),
- Child, MyVSpace(0),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("Address:\nPri:\nType:\nVersion:\nOpenCnt:"),
- Child, MyVSpace(0),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("IdString:"),
- End,
- Child, LibMoreGroup2 = VGroup,
- Child, libmoretext0 = MyTextObject(),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, libmoretext1 = MyTextObject(),
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, MyLabel ("Flags:"),
- Child, MyLabel ("NegSize:\nPosSize:\nSum:\nRamPtrCnt:"),
- End,
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, libmoretext2a = KeyButtonF ('b', lib->lib_Flags),
- Child, libmoretext2b = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- End,
- Child, libmoretext3 = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- End,
- End, End;
- if (ptr->wf_Window) {
- if ((rpc = GetRamPointerCount (lib)) == (lib->lib_NegSize / 6)) {
- strcpy (rpct, "***");
- } else {
- _sprintf (rpct, "%ld", rpc);
- }
- MySetContents (libmoretext1, ESC "c$%08lx\n%ld\n%s\n%ld.%ld\n%ld", lib, lib->lib_Node.ln_Pri, GetNodeType (lib->lib_Node.ln_Type), lib->lib_Version, lib->lib_Revision, lib->lib_OpenCnt);
- MySetContents (libmoretext2b, ESC "c%ld\n%ld\n$%08lx\n%s", lib->lib_NegSize, lib->lib_PosSize, lib->lib_Sum, rpct);
- if (! stricmp (lib->lib_Node.ln_Name, DISKNAME)) {
- Child, LibMoreAdd1 = VGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, MyLabel2 ("dr_Current:"),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("dr_CurrTask:"),
- End;
- Child, LibMoreAdd2 = VGroup,
- Child, libmoretext4 = MyTextObject(),
- Child, MyTextObject3 (GetTaskName (((struct DiscResource *) lib)->dr_CurrTask)),
- End;
- tmpstr[0] = '\0';
- i = 0;
- while (drflags[i]) {
- if (((struct DiscResource *) lib)->dr_Flags & drflags[i]) {
- if (strlen (tmpstr))
- strcat (tmpstr, ", ");
- strcat (tmpstr, drflagstext[i]);
- }
- i++;
- }
- set (libmoretext4, MUIA_Text_Contents, nonetest (tmpstr));
- DoMethod (LibMoreGroup1,OM_ADDMEMBER,LibMoreAdd1);
- DoMethod (LibMoreGroup2,OM_ADDMEMBER,LibMoreAdd2);
- }
- if (strstr(lib->lib_Node.ln_Name, ".device") != NULL) {
- ULONG unit;
- UBYTE nsdType[64];
- Child, DevMoreAdd1 = VGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, MyLabel2 ("NSDType:"),
- End;
- Child, DevMoreAdd2 = VGroup,
- Child, DevMoreText1 = MyTextObject(),
- End;
- Child, DevMoreAdd3 = VGroup,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, MyHSpace(0),
- Child, MyLabel2 ("Supported commands:"),
- Child, MyHSpace(0),
- End,
- Child, NSDCmdList = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, FALSE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject,
- ReadListFrame,
- MUIA_List_Title, TRUE,
- MUIA_List_Format, "DELTA=8 P=\33c, DELTA=8 P=\33c, DELTA=8",
- MUIA_List_DisplayHook, &nsdcmdentry_dsphook,
- MUIA_List_CompareHook, &nsdcmdentry_cmphook,
- End,
- MUIA_CycleChain, TRUE,
- End,
- End;
- strcpy(nsdType, "unknown (device could not be openend)");
- for (unit = 0; unit < 16; unit++) {
- struct NSDeviceQueryResult nqr;
- LONG ioErr;
- if ((ioErr = NSDQuery(lib->lib_Node.ln_Name, unit, &nqr)) == 0) {
- UWORD *cmds;
- struct NSDCmdEntry *entry;
- set(NSDCmdList, MUIA_List_Quiet, TRUE);
- cmds = nqr.SupportedCommands;
- while (*cmds) {
- if (entry = tbAllocPooled(LibPool, sizeof(struct NSDCmdEntry))) {
- entry->nce_Number = *cmds;
- _sprintf(entry->nce_DecNumber, "%ld", *cmds);
- _sprintf(entry->nce_HexNumber, "$%04lx", *cmds);
- strcpy(entry->nce_CmdName, NSDTypeToCmdName(nqr.DeviceType, *cmds));
- InsertSortedEntry (NSDCmdList, (APTR *) &entry);
- }
- cmds++;
- }
- set(NSDCmdList, MUIA_List_Quiet, FALSE);
- switch (nqr.DeviceType) {
- case NSDEVTYPE_GAMEPORT: strcpy(nsdType, "gameport"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_TIMER: strcpy(nsdType, "timer"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD: strcpy(nsdType, "keyboard"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_INPUT: strcpy(nsdType, "input"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_TRACKDISK: strcpy(nsdType, "trackdisk"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_CONSOLE: strcpy(nsdType, "console"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_SANA2: strcpy(nsdType, "sana2"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_AUDIO: strcpy(nsdType, "audio"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_CLIPBOARD: strcpy(nsdType, "clipboard"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_PRINTER: strcpy(nsdType, "printer"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_SERIAL: strcpy(nsdType, "serial"); break;
- case NSDEVTYPE_PARALLEL: strcpy(nsdType, "parallel"); break;
- default: strcpy(nsdType, "unknown"); break;
- }
- _sprintf(tmpstr2, " (subtype %ld)", nqr.DeviceSubType);
- strcat(nsdType, tmpstr2);
- break;
- } else {
- switch (ioErr) {
- default:
- case IOERR_OPENFAIL: strcpy(nsdType, "unknown (device could not be openend)"); break;
- case IOERR_NOCMD: strcpy(nsdType, "unknown (device does not support NSD)"); break;
- }
- if (ioErr == IOERR_NOCMD) break;
- }
- }
- set(DevMoreText1, MUIA_Text_Contents, nsdType);
- set(ptr->wf_Window, MUIA_Window_ActiveObject, NSDCmdList);
- DoMethod(LibMoreGroup1, OM_ADDMEMBER, DevMoreAdd1);
- DoMethod(LibMoreGroup2, OM_ADDMEMBER, DevMoreAdd2);
- DoMethod(LibMainGroup, OM_ADDMEMBER, DevMoreAdd3);
- }
- HandleFlagsButtonPressed (libmoretext2a, ptr, "(LIBRARY)", "lib_Flags", lib->lib_Flags, (struct LongFlag *) &lib_flags, NULL, 'b');
- HandleWindowOpen (ptr, title, lib->lib_Node.ln_Name);
- MySetContentsHealed (libmoretext0, "%s", lib->lib_Node.ln_Name);
- MySetContentsHealed (libmoretext3, "%s", nonetest (lib->lib_IdString));
- HandleWindowClose (ptr);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void GetLibMore (struct Library *lib) {
- char *title = "LIBRARY: ";
- GetLDRMore (lib, title, LibrariesText);
- }
- void GetDevMore (struct Library *lib) {
- char *title = "DEVICE: ";
- GetLDRMore (lib, title, DevicesText);
- }
- void GetResMore (struct Library *lib) {
- char *title = "RESOURCE: ";
- GetLDRMore (lib, title, ResourcesText);
- }
- void PrintLDR (APTR list, char type, char *filename) {
- int i;
- BPTR handle;
- struct LibEntry *entryp = NULL;
- handle = HandlePrintStart (filename);
- if ((handle) && (PrintOneLine (handle, "\n Address Pri OpenC RPC Name & Version\n\n"))) {
- if ((type == 'L') && (! WI_Libraries)) {
- FillLDRList ('L', &entryp);
- } else if ((type == 'D') && (! WI_Devices)) {
- FillLDRList ('D', &entryp);
- } else if ((type == 'R') && (! WI_Resources)) {
- FillLDRList ('R', &entryp);
- }
- // if (i) {
- for (i=0;;i++) {
- if (((type == 'L') && (WI_Libraries)) \
- || ((type == 'D') && (WI_Devices)) \
- || ((type == 'R') && (WI_Resources))) {
- DoMethod (list,MUIM_List_GetEntry,i,&entryp);
- }
- if (!entryp) break;
- _sprintf (tmpstr2, " %s %4s %4s %3s %s %ld.%ld\n", entryp->lib_address, entryp->lib_pri, entryp->lib_ocnt, entryp->lib_rcnt, entryp->lib_name, ((struct Library *) entryp->lib_ptr)->lib_Version, ((struct Library *) entryp->lib_ptr)->lib_Revision);
- if (! (PrintOneLine (handle, tmpstr2)))
- break;
- if (((type == 'L') && (! WI_Libraries)) \
- || ((type == 'D') && (! WI_Devices)) \
- || ((type == 'R') && (! WI_Resources))) {
- entryp = entryp->lib_next;
- }
- }
- // }
- }
- HandlePrintStop();
- }
- void PrintLibraries (char *filename) {
- PrintLDR (liblist,'L',filename);
- }
- void PrintDevices (char *filename) {
- PrintLDR (devlist,'D',filename);
- }
- void PrintResources (char *filename) {
- PrintLDR (reslist,'R',filename);
- }
- int FillLDRList (char kind, struct LibEntry **first) {
- struct Library *lib = NULL;
- APTR pool = NULL;
- char *cmd = NULL;
- struct LibEntry *libentry,*previous = NULL;
- int tmp, teststatus;
- int libcnt = 0;
- *first = 0;
- if (kind == 'L') {
- FreeLibraries();
- pool = LibPool = tbCreatePool(MEMF_CLEAR, 4096, 4096);
- cmd = "GetLibList";
- } else if (kind == 'D') {
- FreeDevices();
- pool = DevPool = tbCreatePool(MEMF_CLEAR, 4096, 4096);
- cmd = "GetDevList";
- } else if (kind == 'R') {
- FreeResources();
- pool = ResPool = tbCreatePool(MEMF_CLEAR, 4096, 4096);
- cmd = "GetResList";
- }
- if (clientstate) {
- if (SendDaemon (cmd)) {
- while ((libentry = tbAllocPooled(pool, sizeof(struct LibEntry))) \
- && (ReceiveDecodedEntry ((UBYTE *) libentry, sizeof (struct LibEntry)))) {
- IsHex (libentry->lib_address, (long *) &libentry->lib_ptr);
- if (! *first)
- *first = libentry;
- if (previous)
- previous->lib_next = libentry;
- libcnt++;
- previous = libentry;
- }
- }
- } else {
- while ((lib->lib_Node.ln_Succ != 0) && (libentry = tbAllocPooled(pool, sizeof(struct LibEntry)))) {
- if (! *first)
- *first = libentry;
- if (previous)
- previous->lib_next = libentry;
- libentry->lib_ptr = (char *) lib;
- _sprintf (libentry->lib_address, "$%08lx",lib);
- strncpy (libentry->lib_name, lib->lib_Node.ln_Name, 30);
- _sprintf (libentry->lib_pri, "%4ld ", lib->lib_Node.ln_Pri);
- if (strcmp(libentry->lib_name, FSRNAME) == 0 || strcmp(libentry->lib_name, KEYMAPRESNAME) == 0) {
- strcpy(libentry->lib_ver, "---");
- } else {
- _sprintf (libentry->lib_ver, "%ld.%ld ", lib->lib_Version, lib->lib_Revision);
- }
- teststatus = TestResource (lib);
- if (teststatus) {
- _sprintf (libentry->lib_ocnt, "%3ld ", lib->lib_OpenCnt);
- if ((tmp = GetRamPointerCount(lib)) == (lib->lib_NegSize / 6)) {
- strcpy (libentry->lib_rcnt, "***");
- } else {
- _sprintf (libentry->lib_rcnt, "%3ld", tmp);
- }
- } else {
- strcpy (libentry->lib_ocnt, "--- ");
- strcpy (libentry->lib_rcnt, "---");
- }
- strcpy (libentry->lib_type, GetNodeType (lib->lib_Node.ln_Type));
- libcnt++;
- previous = libentry;
- lib = (struct Library *)lib->lib_Node.ln_Succ;
- }
- }
- return (libcnt);
- }
- void FreeLibraries (void)
- {
- MyFreePoolStructs(&LibPool, libtext, NULL, liblist);
- }
- void FlushLibraries (void) {
- struct Library *lib,*next;
- while (next = (struct Library *) lib->lib_Node.ln_Succ) {
- if (! lib->lib_OpenCnt)
- RemLibrary (lib);
- lib = next;
- }
- }
- void FreeDevices (void)
- {
- MyFreePoolStructs(&DevPool, devtext, NULL, devlist);
- }
- void FlushDevices (void) {
- struct Library *lib,*next;
- while (next = (struct Library *) lib->lib_Node.ln_Succ) {
- if (! lib->lib_OpenCnt)
- RemDevice ((struct Device *) lib);
- lib = next;
- }
- }
- void FreeResources (void)
- {
- MyFreePoolStructs(&ResPool, restext, NULL, reslist);
- }
- void ShowLibraries (void)
- {
- struct LibEntry *lib;
- ApplicationSleep();
- set(liblist,MUIA_List_Quiet,TRUE);
- set(liblist,MUIA_List_CompareHook,liblist_cmphook_ptr);
- set(BT_LibRemove, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_LibClose, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_LibPriority, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_LibFunctions, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_LibMore, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- libcnt = FillLDRList ('L', &lib);
- while (lib) {
- InsertSortedEntry (liblist, (APTR *) &lib);
- lib = lib->lib_next;
- }
- SetCountText (libcount, libcnt);
- AwakeApplication();
- set(liblist,MUIA_List_Quiet,FALSE);
- }
- void ShowDevices (void)
- {
- struct LibEntry *lib;
- ApplicationSleep();
- set(devlist,MUIA_List_Quiet,TRUE);
- set(devlist,MUIA_List_CompareHook,devlist_cmphook_ptr);
- set(BT_DevRemove, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_DevPriority, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_DevFunctions, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_DevMore, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- devcnt = FillLDRList ('D', &lib);
- while (lib) {
- InsertSortedEntry (devlist, (APTR *) &lib);
- lib = lib->lib_next;
- }
- SetCountText (devcount, devcnt);
- AwakeApplication();
- set(devlist,MUIA_List_Quiet,FALSE);
- }
- void ShowResources (void)
- {
- struct LibEntry *lib;
- ApplicationSleep();
- set(reslist,MUIA_List_Quiet,TRUE);
- set(reslist,MUIA_List_CompareHook,reslist_cmphook_ptr);
- set(BT_ResRemove, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_ResPriority, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_ResFunctions, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- set(BT_ResMore, MUIA_Disabled, TRUE);
- rescnt = FillLDRList ('R', &lib);
- while (lib) {
- InsertSortedEntry (reslist, (APTR *) &lib);
- lib = lib->lib_next;
- }
- SetCountText (rescount, rescnt);
- AwakeApplication();
- set(reslist,MUIA_List_Quiet,FALSE);
- }
- void SendLibList (void)
- {
- struct LibEntry *lib;
- FillLDRList ('L', &lib);
- while (lib) {
- SendEncodedEntry ((UBYTE *) lib, sizeof (struct LibEntry));
- lib = lib->lib_next;
- }
- FreeLibraries ();
- }
- void SendDevList (void)
- {
- struct LibEntry *lib;
- FillLDRList ('D', &lib);
- while (lib) {
- SendEncodedEntry ((UBYTE *) lib, sizeof (struct LibEntry));
- lib = lib->lib_next;
- }
- FreeDevices ();
- }
- void SendResList (void)
- {
- struct LibEntry *lib;
- FillLDRList ('R', &lib);
- while (lib) {
- SendEncodedEntry ((UBYTE *) lib, sizeof (struct LibEntry));
- lib = lib->lib_next;
- }
- FreeResources ();
- }
- APTR LibSortList[] = {
- &list_cmpnormalhook,
- &list_cmpnamehook,
- &list_cmpaddresshook,
- };
- static const char *CYA_LibSortText[] = {
- "priority",
- "name",
- "address",
- };
- APTR WI_Libraries, liblist, libtext, libcount, CY_LibSort;
- int libsortstate = 0;
- APTR BT_LibUpdate, BT_LibPrint, BT_LibPriority, BT_LibClose, BT_LibRemove, BT_LibFunctions, BT_LibMore, BT_LibExit;
- char libraries_title[WINDOWTITLELEN];
- void LibrariesWindow (BOOL state) {
- if (state) {
- if (WI_Libraries) {
- ShowLibraries();
- } else {
- WI_Libraries = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, MyGetWindowTitle (libraries_title, "LIBRARIES"),
- MUIA_HelpNode, LibrariesText,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeListID('L','I','B','S'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, liblist = MyListviewObject ("COL=0 DELTA=8,COL=1 DELTA=8,COL=2 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=3 DELTA=8 P=\33c,COL=4 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=5 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=6",&liblist_dsphook),
- Child, MyBelowSortedListview (&libtext, &libcount, &CY_LibSort, CYA_LibSortText, libsortstate),
- Child, MyVSpace(2),
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_LibPriority = KeyButtonA (PriorityText ,ID_LIBPRIORITY),
- Child, BT_LibClose = KeyButtonA (CloseText ,ID_LIBCLOSE),
- Child, BT_LibRemove = KeyButtonA (RemoveText ,ID_LIBREMOVE),
- Child, BT_LibFunctions = KeyButtonA (FunctionsText,ID_LIBFUNCTIONS),
- End,
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_LibUpdate = KeyButtonA (UpdateText ,ID_LIBUPDATE),
- Child, BT_LibPrint = KeyButtonA (PrintText ,ID_LIBPRINT),
- Child, BT_LibMore = KeyButtonA (MoreText ,ID_LIBMORE),
- Child, BT_LibExit = KeyButtonA (ExitText ,ID_LIBEXIT),
- End,
- End, End;
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_ADDMEMBER,WI_Libraries);
- DoMethod (WI_Libraries,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,liblist,CY_LibSort,BT_LibUpdate,BT_LibPrint,BT_LibPriority,BT_LibClose,BT_LibRemove,BT_LibFunctions,BT_LibMore,BT_LibExit,NULL);
- DoMethod (CY_LibSort, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Cycle_Active, MUIV_EveryTime, AP_Scout, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_LIBSORT);
- SetCloseRequest (WI_Libraries,ID_LIBEXIT);
- SetListActive (liblist,ID_LIBLV_ACTIVE);
- SetListviewDoubleClick (liblist,ID_LIBMORE);
- ShowLibraries();
- SetWindowOpen (WI_Libraries,liblist,ID_LIBEXIT);
- }
- } else if ((! state) && (WI_Libraries)) {
- SetWindowClose (WI_Libraries,TRUE);
- FreeLibraries();
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_REMMEMBER,WI_Libraries);
- MUI_DisposeObject (WI_Libraries);
- WI_Libraries = NULL;
- liblist = NULL;
- }
- }
- APTR WI_Devices, devlist, devtext, devcount, CY_DevSort;
- int devsortstate = 0;
- APTR BT_DevUpdate, BT_DevPrint, BT_DevPriority, BT_DevRemove, BT_DevFunctions, BT_DevMore, BT_DevExit;
- char devices_title[WINDOWTITLELEN];
- void DevicesWindow (BOOL state) {
- if (state) {
- if (WI_Devices) {
- ShowDevices();
- } else {
- WI_Devices = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, MyGetWindowTitle (devices_title, "DEVICES"),
- MUIA_HelpNode, DevicesText,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeListID('D','E','V','S'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, devlist = MyListviewObject ("COL=0 DELTA=8,COL=1 DELTA=8,COL=2 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=3 DELTA=8 P=\33c,COL=4 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=5 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=6",&liblist_dsphook),
- Child, MyBelowSortedListview (&devtext, &devcount, &CY_DevSort, CYA_LibSortText, devsortstate),
- Child, MyVSpace(2),
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_DevPriority = KeyButtonA (PriorityText ,ID_DEVPRIORITY),
- Child, BT_DevRemove = KeyButtonA (RemoveText ,ID_DEVREMOVE),
- Child, BT_DevFunctions = KeyButtonA (FunctionsText,ID_DEVFUNCTIONS),
- End,
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_DevUpdate = KeyButtonA (UpdateText ,ID_DEVUPDATE),
- Child, BT_DevPrint = KeyButtonA (PrintText ,ID_DEVPRINT),
- Child, BT_DevMore = KeyButtonA (MoreText ,ID_DEVMORE),
- Child, BT_DevExit = KeyButtonA (ExitText ,ID_DEVEXIT),
- End,
- End, End;
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_ADDMEMBER,WI_Devices);
- DoMethod (WI_Devices,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,devlist,CY_DevSort,BT_DevUpdate,BT_DevPrint,BT_DevPriority,BT_DevRemove,BT_DevMore,BT_DevFunctions,BT_DevExit,NULL);
- DoMethod (CY_DevSort, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Cycle_Active, MUIV_EveryTime, AP_Scout, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_DEVSORT);
- SetCloseRequest (WI_Devices,ID_DEVEXIT);
- SetListActive (devlist,ID_DEVLV_ACTIVE);
- SetListviewDoubleClick (devlist,ID_DEVMORE);
- ShowDevices();
- SetWindowOpen (WI_Devices,devlist,ID_DEVEXIT);
- }
- } else if ((! state) && (WI_Devices)) {
- SetWindowClose (WI_Devices,TRUE);
- FreeDevices();
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_REMMEMBER,WI_Devices);
- MUI_DisposeObject (WI_Devices);
- WI_Devices = NULL;
- devlist = NULL;
- }
- }
- APTR WI_Resources, reslist, restext, rescount, CY_ResSort;
- int ressortstate = 0;
- APTR BT_ResUpdate, BT_ResPrint, BT_ResPriority, BT_ResRemove, BT_ResFunctions, BT_ResMore, BT_ResExit;
- char resources_title[WINDOWTITLELEN];
- void ResourcesWindow (BOOL state) {
- if (state) {
- if (WI_Resources) {
- ShowResources();
- } else {
- WI_Resources = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, MyGetWindowTitle (resources_title, "RESOURCES"),
- MUIA_HelpNode, ResourcesText,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeListID('R','E','S','O'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, reslist = MyListviewObject ("COL=0 DELTA=8,COL=1 DELTA=8,COL=2 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=3 DELTA=8 P=\33c,COL=4 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=5 DELTA=8 P=\33r,COL=6",&liblist_dsphook),
- Child, MyBelowSortedListview (&restext, &rescount, &CY_ResSort, CYA_LibSortText, ressortstate),
- Child, MyVSpace(2),
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_ResPriority = KeyButtonA (PriorityText ,ID_RESPRIORITY),
- Child, BT_ResRemove = KeyButtonA (RemoveText ,ID_RESREMOVE),
- Child, BT_ResFunctions = KeyButtonA (FunctionsText,ID_RESFUNCTIONS),
- End,
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_ResUpdate = KeyButtonA (UpdateText ,ID_RESUPDATE),
- Child, BT_ResPrint = KeyButtonA (PrintText ,ID_RESPRINT),
- Child, BT_ResMore = KeyButtonA (MoreText ,ID_RESMORE),
- Child, BT_ResExit = KeyButtonA (ExitText ,ID_RESEXIT),
- End,
- End, End;
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_ADDMEMBER,WI_Resources);
- DoMethod (WI_Resources,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,reslist,CY_ResSort,BT_ResUpdate,BT_ResPrint,BT_ResPriority,BT_ResRemove,BT_ResFunctions,BT_ResMore,BT_ResExit,NULL);
- DoMethod (CY_ResSort, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Cycle_Active, MUIV_EveryTime, AP_Scout, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_RESSORT);
- SetCloseRequest (WI_Resources,ID_RESEXIT);
- SetListActive (reslist,ID_RESLV_ACTIVE);
- SetListviewDoubleClick (reslist,ID_RESMORE);
- ShowResources();
- SetWindowOpen (WI_Resources,reslist,ID_RESEXIT);
- }
- } else if ((! state) && (WI_Resources)) {
- SetWindowClose (WI_Resources,TRUE);
- FreeResources();
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_REMMEMBER,WI_Resources);
- MUI_DisposeObject (WI_Resources);
- WI_Resources = NULL;
- reslist = NULL;
- }
- }